Robert S. Engelmore

March 7, 1935 - March 25, 2003



Home        1950s        1960s         1970s         1980s         1990s         2000s


1930s - 1940s



babybob.jpg (98785 bytes)         bobandfather.jpg (714954 bytes)       bobridesagain1937.jpg (101785 bytes)  

                                        With Family                                     With His Father                                       Bob Rides Again                

bob1941.jpg (8331 bytes)                        tony1939.jpg (14297 bytes)                 bobasakid.jpg (222547 bytes)

                                                                                                   With Tony                                            

            Bob  Tony circa 1950.jpg (96672 bytes)                     goofingoff.jpg (233786 bytes)

                                                                        With Tony                                                         Goofing Off


            teen.jpg (336444 bytes)



Home        1950s        1960s         1970s         1980s         1990s         2000s